These chocolate “pencils” offer a sweet snack while you’re hard at work. They don’t actually write of course, however you can write a note, a message, a name, a date, an occasion…whatever you feel like…right on them and they will make a perfect gift for your friends, your teachers, your kids, your kids’ teachers, or even yourself.
All you will need are some rolls of Rolo candies, some single, individual Rolo candies, Hershey’s kisses (preferably in the silver wrapper), yellow paper (or whatever color you want your pencils to be), pink paper (or whatever color you want your eraser to be), and some hot glue and tape. Check out the easy DIY video here:
Next we have glue sticks which are really just white candy covered chocolate sixlets all dressed up to imitate a glue stick. But that’s ok because served like this they just taste extra fun.
Here is the link to the easy DIY Edible “Glue” Sticks video:
If you need the labels, please feel free to download and print this set to use for your own candy “glue” sticks:
Click Here: EdibleGlueLabels